
Book Review

  Ethnicity and Nation-building in South Asia- Urmila Phadnis & Rajat Ganguly.   Synopsis: The book was first published in 1989, this widely hailed core text of the dynamics of ethnic identities and movements in the South Asian region is perhaps even more relevant today, as the region faces a resurgence of ethno-nationalist sentiments and the outbreak of new ethnic conflict. We are going to discuss about the Ethnicity and Nation-building: Approaches and Issues, Ethnic Groups in South Asia: An Overview, South Asian States Systems: Diverse Patterns, Similar Tendencies Central Leadership, and Ethnicity: Perspectives, Policies and Strategies, Ethnic Movements: Dynamics of Demand-Divergence Ethnic Dynamics of Autonomist and Secessionist Demands Ethnic Separatism: External Dimensions, Implication and Conclusion. 'This is probably the only work that deals with the entire spectrum of South Asian ethnicity and its dynamic role in regional politics. A decade and a half late...

Book Review- The Three Investigator by Robert Arthur

                                                      BOOK REVIEW       THE MYSTERY OF THE GREEN GHOST (The Three Investigator)   A UTHOR: ROBERT ARTHUR Jr. GENRE: MYSTERY FICTION   STORY LINE The story revolves around three investigator, Jupiter Jones , Pete Crenshaw , Bob Andrews. They use spare time to solve any mysteries that comes their way. The boys lived in Rocky Beach, California, a town on the Pacific coast. Their investigations are held in the secret Headquarters which is thirty foot mobile home owned by Titus Jones (Jupiter’s uncle). Jupiter is stocky- people usually call him fatty. He has a round face which can make him look like a stupid, but this misleading because he has an excellent mind. Pete is tall and very athletic. He’s Jupiter’s right hand man at trailing suspects and carrying out other dangero...